In this post I'd like to talk about happines, about what it is and about how much we crave to fell a little happiness in our life. This isn't any sort of cientific documaental it's based on my opinion and my point of view ofthe subject (maybe a kind of theory) and on a little research that I've made, I haven't said this is a correct point of view I just say it's a "what if" that I've been thinnking about.

We all know that happiness is that feeling that you feel when something good happens, something that you like, confores you and makes you feel more alive.
 (As you can see this isn't a definiton found in a dictionary because the definiotion that I found was that happiness is the state of being happy and as well as you can notice this isn'd very helpful).

Well now that we clarified the definition of happiness let's get stright to the point.

Haven't you ever asked yourself why do we crave so much for happiness, even if we kow it's just a matter of time until the feeling disappears , and we really think that we need happiness to feel alive but, do we actually need it or it's just that we think we need it because we've been feeling it since forever?

Because happiness are hormones named Endorphines, these hormones are your body's natural painkillers. So just for a second think what if these hormones never existed? we wouldn't knew what   happiness feels, so we wouldn't know the difference, I know this may sound a little bit masochist but this isn't the  point, the point is if we really need happines or we just think that we need to feel it or that it makes us healthier?

Maybe it doesn't make any sense but anyway I'll insert a picture of an Endorphin down here.


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