Well I've been thinking a lot about this lately, so I decided to write here about it. I think everyone thought at least once about how they've been created, what’s next after life or that we are such an inferior beings, and this is not about religion, this is only my relfection about life. I mean, everything that lives, dies too and our life is really short actually, not to mention that we are extremely fraglie and our bones are so easy to break and with the pass of the time our mind gets more and more damaged, we can’t even remember what we’ve done or said a few decades ago. I know this is normal, well, maybe it’s not and it’s just the fact that we get used to it. But what I always wondered is what happens to us when we die, I mean if all we did here on earth was in vain or it’ll be something else after earth, after life. And I don’t want you to think that I have a sort of obsession with this, cause I don’t, it’s just a thought of mine which I wanted to share. ...