My hero is Evan Antin, he was born on 12th of December in 1984, in Kansas, so he`s 32 years old and he lives with his wife in California, (USA). Evan is an exotic animal veterinarian but he works with domestic animals as well. He studied at the University Colorado Boulder. He loves his job and helping animals, so when he got the chance he does his best to help them no matter the circumstances or how dangerous it could be. Everyday Evan faces to different challenges at work, because every animal is different and each animal needs a different care than the previous one. And there`s less information about exotic animals than it is about the domestic ones. He is courageous and hard working. He is really dedicated on his job, and usually the owners of the patients leave the clinic with a smile on their faces, he inspires me and I look up to him. Because of who he is and what he does he is my hero.